For Jacqueline McGlohn, it all began when her brother was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Jacqueline talked to her brother quite often but he would never complain about anything; he would only state “he was tired”. Unfortunately in 2020, her brother passed away.

Jacqueline will forever carry the memory of her brother in her heart. So when she received a phone call from a member of her church who asked, ‘Do you want to help in the fight against cancer?’ Jacqueline immediately asked ‘What do you need me to do?’ followed by “yes I will love to help individuals affected by cancer”.

Jacqueline went from co-founding her own photography business and volunteering at the church to volunteering with Fight 4 Cure Inc. Jacqueline says “After the loss of my brother, I couldn’t really talk or have conversations about anything dealing with cancer. But then, the phone call ‘Do you want to help in the fight against cancer?’ gave me the courage to talk about it as well as provided me with an opportunity to help others who have been diagnosed with this ravaging disease. I really feel the enthusiasm, passion and the love generated to let patients know “They Are Not Alone".

The best part for Jacqueline, being able to help at least one individual at at time and know she did something with a purpose. Jacqueline says “I’ve had the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of cancer patients who have benefitted from Fight 4 Cure Inc. These are people I never would’ve had the opportunity to help otherwise. When you’re volunteering with a group of people that have passion and love letting patients know “They Are Not Alone,” it brings joy to my heart!”