For Darryl Wright, it all began when his oldest brother, sister, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law were all diagnosed with various forms of cancer. His brother was diagnosed with bone cancer and later passed away. His sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and to this day is still battling cancer for the third time. His mother-in-law was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer and later passed away. And his sister-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer, eventually beat it and went into remission.

For a long time, Darryl felt helpless and believed the only thing he could do was pray and support his family members during their diagnoses as best as he could. But when his wife approached him in 2018 with the idea of starting a nonprofit to help underrepresented and underserved cancer communities, Darryl immediately said yes because he wholeheartedly believe his purpose in life was “To help others in need!”

Darryl begin volunteering as the Secretary with Fight 4 Cure Inc. Darryl says “Seeing first hand the effects that cancer not only have on the individual but the entire family made him realize that a difference needed to be made, but he still wasn’t sure how to go about it”. But that initial, innocent ‘Hey I want to start a nonprofit to help underrepresented and underserved cancer communities’ coming from his wife got him started. Then it was working diligently to get the word out and having events that made him say “We can do this!” I really felt the enthusiasm and passion that comes with volunteering.”

The best part for Darryl, the appreciation received. Darryl says “Our acts of kindness are small, but the little things we do give cancer patients hope, joy, and it let’s them know “They Are Not Alone”. The patients we have helped live in different states, have different economic statuses, etc. When you’re volunteering with a group of people that truly understand how this ravaging disease affects others and their family, the passion to care about others who are in need is PRICELESS!”